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Thursday, December 13, 2018

IBM DataPower Gateway Commissioning Step by Step

What is IBM DataPower Gateway?

IBM DataPower® Gateway helps organizations meet the security and integration needs of a digital business in a single multi-channel gateway. It provides security, control, integration and optimized access to a full range of mobile, web, application programming interface (API), service-oriented architecture (SOA), B2B and cloud workloads.

The DataPower capabilities are delivered in a network appliance form factor:

Physical appliances

  • XG45: DataPower Service Gateway
  • XI52: DataPower Integration Appliance
  • XB62: DataPower B2B Appliance

DataPower form factors Virtual appliances (under a hypervisor)

  • XG45/XI52 Virtual Edition
    • Production
  • XG45/XI52 Virtual Edition for Nonproduction Environment
    • Multi-user test and development
  • XG45/XI52 Virtual Edition for Developers
    • Single-user test and development

Network interfaces for virtual appliances

  • Physical appliances have 8 (XG45) or 12 (XI52, XB62) Ethernet interfaces
  • Virtual appliances have four network interfaces:
    • eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3
    • Speeds depend on hypervisor and hardware
    • Physical mode and flow control settings are ignored
  • Hypervisors that the IBM PureApplication System manages allow only eth1-3 to be used for DataPower service configuration
    • eth0 is used by IBM PureApplication System management
  • All other hypervisor environments allow eth0-3 to be used for service configuration

Deployment on stand-alone VMware hypervisors

    • Configure the appliance to run inside the virtual machine
    • Start Commissioning
      • Login to the appliance
      • Enable Secure Backup Mode
      • Enable Common Compatibility Mode
      • Create new admin password 
    • Run the Install Wizard
      • Step 1 - Confirure network interfaces
      • Step 2 - Configure network service
      • Step 3 - Define a unique system identifier for the appliance
      • Step 4 - Do you want to configure remote Management access
      • Step 5 - Configure a user account that can reset passwords
      • Step 6 - Configure the RAID array
    • Save the current configuration

    Configure the appliance to run inside the virtual machine

    1. Setup the virtual machine 
      1. Install VMWare player
      2. Inport the OVA file of the virtual applicance 
      3. Use the below configuration
        1. Memory
          1. Minmum: 4 GB
          2. Required: 8GB
        2. Processors
          1. Minmum: 4 GB
          2. Required: 8GB
        3.  Network Adapter 
          1. Insure that one of the adapters eth0 is Host-only

    Start Commissioning

    Login to the appliance

    login: admin


    password: admin


    Enable Secure Backup Mode

    Secure backup mode supports the creation of a backup to restore the complete configuration of another DataPower® Gateway. The creation of a secure backup is available only when secure backup mode is enabled. Generally, secure backup mode is enabled during the initial firmware setup of the DataPower Gateway


    Confirn Enable Secure Backup Mode

    Enable Common Compatibility Mode

    When the DataPower Gateway is in Common Criteria Compatibility mode, it forces several settings to specific values. These values are required and enforced at restart. Common Criteria Compatibility mode affects audit log policies, password policies, and includes a group of default rules and actions.

    Create new admin password

    Please Enter New Password to be used in next login

    Run the Install Wizard

    Step 1 - Confirure network interfaces

    Do you want to confirure network interfaces

    Do you want to confirure network interfaces answers to do

    1. Start configuring the first network interface
      1. Enable the DHCP
    2. Don't configure the rest network interfaces

    Step 2 - Configure network service

    Step 3 - Define a unique system identifier for the appliance

    Sometimes there is a need to have an identifier that is unique per DataPower device. Typically the device serial number is taken for these purposes.
    Note: Give any appropriate unique system identifier.

    Step 4 - Do you want to configure remote Management access

    These configuration require the IP address of the local interface that manage the appliance.

    Do you have this information? [y]: y
    Do you want to enable SSH? [y]: y
    Enter the local IP address [0 for all] : 0
    Note: In case you provide specific IP earlier, Provide same IP as provided earlier.
    Enter the port number [22]:
    Note: Just enter to accept default or write your needed port

    Do you want to enable WebGUI access [y]: y

    The WebGUI is one of the graphical user interfaces that the DataPower Gateway provides. The Blueprint Console is the one of the graphical user interface (GUI) for the DataPower Gateway. The Blueprint Console allows you to create and manage patterns and tenants.

    Enter the local IP address [0 for all] : 0
    Note: Just enter to accept default or write your needed port
    Enter the port number [9090]:
    Note: Just enter to accept default or write your needed port

    Step 5 - Configure a user account that can reset passwords

    Step 6 - Configure the RAID array

    Save the current configuration

    Access the configured device

    Show int

    The show ip interface command provides tons of useful information about the configuration and status of the IP protocol and its services, on all interfaces. The show ip interface brief command provides a quick status of the interfaces on the router, including their IP address, Layer 2 status, and Layer 3 status

    Accessing WebGUI


    Confirm Certificate

    Login Interface

    Accept Software License Agreement

    Use device from the web UI

    Monday, September 17, 2018

    VirtualBox and Docker Won’t Run | Because of Windows 10 Hyper-V?

    I managed to resolve the issue but not by uninstalling Hyper-V. I saw a couple of suggestions but I find this one suitable:

    STEP 1:
    Open the command prompt as an Administrator.

    STEP 2:
    Run the command with no argument:

    After you run the above command, you will see that the property hypervisorlaunchtype is set Auto by default. See screenshot below:

    STEP 3:
    Disable Hyper-V by running the command:
    bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

    STEP 4:
    Restart your PC system to use VirtualBox.

    To turn Hyper-V back on, run the command:
    bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto
    You will need to reboot the system to use Hyper-V.

    Monday, August 27, 2018

    IBM WebSphere Application Server Editions

    There are really 3 editions of WebSphere Application Server.
    • Core: Contains only a certified JEE web profile on Liberty technology stack 
    • Base: Contains both Liberty and Full Profile technology stacks. The Liberty Stack includes all of Core plus JMS client and Server features, MongoDB client, MDB, JAX-WS, JCA and some others. Plus licensing for certain functions of WebSphere Extreme Scale (object grid caching) 
    • Network Deployment: Contains both Liberty and Full Profile technology stacks. The Liberty Stack includes all of Base plus the ability to Cluster JVMs and to organized them through a collective and a single Administration Center. Ability to have assisted life cycle with the intelligent management components of full profile. Plus licensing for all of WebSphere Extreme Scale (object grid caching)


    Friday, August 24, 2018

    Docker | Windows 10/ Mac OS | unauthorized: incorrect username or password when trying to pull images

    It happens because the docker client (on macOS or Windos 10) allows you to sign in with your email address and password. If you sign out and sign in with your Docker Username and password everything will workSo here's a better description of the issue

    When trying to pull images from the Docker registry docker: Error response from daemon: Get unauthorized: incorrect username or password. This happens if you sign in to Docker using your email address instead of your username.
    Steps to Reproduce
    1. Clean install, or reset preferences for Docker
    2. Sign in to Docker GUI using your email address and password
    3. In the terminal, pull an image from the Docker registry
    Actual Results
    docker: Error response from daemon: Get unauthorized: incorrect username or password.
    Try logging back in with the CLI via docker login

    Saturday, August 04, 2018

    What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?

    In the simplest terms, git pull does a git fetch followed by a git merge.

    You can do a git fetch at any time to update your remote-tracking branches under refs/remotes/<remote>/.

    This operation never changes any of your own local branches under refs/heads, and is safe to do without changing your working copy. I have even heard of people running git fetch periodically in a cron job in the background (although I wouldn't recommend doing this).

    A git pull is what you would do to bring a local branch up-to-date with its remote version, while also updating your other remote-tracking branches.

    git pull = git fetch + git merge.

    Friday, August 03, 2018

    Blockchain Research Papers

    I would like to welcome all the new and returning audience to my collected research paper Library. I wish you a happy and successful academic research.

    I will be glad to sincerely help you gain the maximum benefit through using this collection resources. Should any of you have an inquiry, problem or any sort of inconvenience when attempting to get any of the Library resources, feel free to contact me for help and support.

    BTW you are more that welcomed if you would like to share with me any other research paper to update the Library.

    My Ph.D in Blockchain so that I am open to co-work with any of you to gain the maximum benefit. 

    Library Resource URL:




    Just two important points for your attention:
        - As always, I value the feedback you provide to me. Please be free to point me any miss named/grouped paper.
        - You are more than welcomed if you have any research paper not listed in my library and want to share it with  us.

    Ahmad Gohar 
    M.Sc, MIBA, TOGAF 9.1 L2, OpenGroup Mater IT specialist Certified
    Blockchain Developer - Mastery Award | Blockchain Developer - Author Award

    Wednesday, July 25, 2018

    Warning Message cannot validate component with empty value

    "BeanValidator W cannot validate component with empty value: xxxComponent" is generated in server console logs coming from javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator class with JSF2.1 for multiple components. 

    Error Messages

    BeanValidator W cannot validate component with empty value: xxxComponent

    Steps to Reproduce

    Use any component without binding to bean variable and use the value from FacesContext, RequestParameterMap in bean or phase listener

    Root Cause

    A third-party product issue with Trinidad. This happens when the Trinidad tag is missing the value attribute. The value attribute binds between the input and the bean.  


    On binding the component with bean variable, the warning message does not appear in the logs. 

    If there are no functionality issues while executing the custom use case then these warning messages can be ignored. Alternatively, the logging can be configured to Severe level such that it is not logged in the server log. Configuring warning message related to JSF2 has been documented in Chordiant_JSF guide, page number-46. Refer the below text snippet: 

    Note: To disable JSF 2.0 warnings from displaying at the server startup, add the properties org.apache.myfaces.level = SEVERE and javax.faces.validator.level = SEVERE in the default Java file located in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib. 

    Thursday, May 31, 2018

    How to rename terminal tab title in Ubuntu 16?

    A lot of programs will overwrite the title so you can't rely on the title being fixed or not duplicated by other windows. This is especially so with remote ssh sessions in a gnome-terminal.
    It still helps a lot but its not reliable enough for window managers to do matching against , so this ability has been taken out with the newest gnome-terminal, however there is still a possibility to change the title, you can do it by command.

    To achieve this easily edit your ~/.bashrc file and add the following lines:

    Create a function in ~/.bashrc:

    function set-title() {
      if [[ -z "$ORIG" ]]; then
    Then use your new command to set the terminal title. It works with spaces in the name too
    set-title my new tab title 

    With this you then can set the title of your terminal window by simply using the command set-title <name you want to set it to>. This is possible due to ANSI escape codes so any program can output them regardless of where the code is run. 

    Wednesday, April 04, 2018

    Ubuntu - How do I change my username?

    Unix-like operating systems decouple the user name from the user identity, so you may safely change the name without affecting the ID. All permissions, files, etc are tied to your identity (uid), not your username.

    To manage every aspect of the user database, you use the usermod tool.

    1- To change username (it is probably best to do this without being logged in):
    sudo usermod -l newUsername oldUsername

    This however, doesn't rename the home folder.

    2- To change home-folder, use
    sudo usermod -d /home/newHomeDir -m newUsername

    after you changed the username.

    For instance, you could logout, drop to a console (Ctrl+Alt+F1), and sudo su - to become true root (as opposed to sudo -s, where $HOME is still /home/yourname.) Maybe you also have to kill some still running processes from this user first. To do so, enter ps -u username, look for the matching PID and kill them by kill PID-number.

    Update: as arrange mentioned, some files may reference your old home directory. You can either keep a symlink for backward compatibility, e g ln -s /home/newname /home/oldname or you can change the file contents with sed -i.bak 's/*oldname*/*newname*/g' *list of files* It creates a backup for each file with a .bak extension.

    Some additional information for not so experienced users like me:
    As I only have ONE user account (administrator), it would not let me change the username ("you are already logged in" was the response in TTY1 (Ctrl+Alt+F1). To get around this:

    1. Login with your old credentials and add a new user, e.g. "temporary" in TTY1:
      sudo adduser temporary
      set the password.
    2. Allow the temporary user to run sudo by adding the user to sudo group:
      sudo adduser temporary sudo
    3. Log out with the command exit.
    4. Return to tty1: Login with the 'temporary' user account and password. Change your username and folder as mentioned above. exit (until you get the login prompt)
    5. Go back to TTY7 (Ctrl+Alt+F7) to login on the GUI/normal desktop screen and see if this works.
    6. Delete temporary user and folder:
      sudo deluser temporary
      sudo rm -r /home/temporary

    NB: Copied from several resources. Thanks for the contribution. 

    Monday, April 02, 2018

    Mac OS X - Reset MySQL Root Password

    Have you forgotten your Mac OS X 'ROOT' password  and need to reset it?  Follow these 4 simple steps:
    1.  Stop the mysqld server.  Typically this can be done by from 'System Prefrences' > MySQL > 'Stop MySQL Server'
    2.  Start the server in safe mode with privilege bypass
         From a terminal:
         sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables
    3.  In a new terminal window:
         sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root

    For MySQL older than MySQL 5.7 use:
    UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('your-password') WHERE User='root';
    For MySQL 5.7+ use:
    USE mysql;
    UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD("your-password") WHERE User='root';
    Refresh and quit:
    4.  Stop the mysqld server again and restart it in normal mode.