"BeanValidator W cannot validate component with empty value: xxxComponent" is generated in server console logs coming from javax.faces.validator.BeanValidator class with JSF2.1 for multiple components.
If there are no functionality issues while executing the custom use case then these warning messages can be ignored. Alternatively, the logging can be configured to Severe level such that it is not logged in the server log. Configuring warning message related to JSF2 has been documented in Chordiant_JSF guide, page number-46. Refer the below text snippet:
Note: To disable JSF 2.0 warnings from displaying at the server startup, add the properties org.apache.myfaces.level = SEVERE and javax.faces.validator.level = SEVERE in the default Java logging.properties file located in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib.
Error Messages
BeanValidator W cannot validate component with empty value: xxxComponentSteps to Reproduce
Use any component without binding to bean variable and use the value from FacesContext, RequestParameterMap in bean or phase listenerRoot Cause
A third-party product issue with Trinidad. This happens when the Trinidad tag is missing the value attribute. The value attribute binds between the input and the bean.Resolution
On binding the component with bean variable, the warning message does not appear in the logs.If there are no functionality issues while executing the custom use case then these warning messages can be ignored. Alternatively, the logging can be configured to Severe level such that it is not logged in the server log. Configuring warning message related to JSF2 has been documented in Chordiant_JSF guide, page number-46. Refer the below text snippet:
Note: To disable JSF 2.0 warnings from displaying at the server startup, add the properties org.apache.myfaces.level = SEVERE and javax.faces.validator.level = SEVERE in the default Java logging.properties file located in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib.